How To Get Rid Of A Ground Squirrel
ground squirrel
The body measures 9 to 11 inches(Otospermophilus beecheyi)
Their semi bushy tail adds another 5 to 9 inches in length
The fur is brownish gray and speckled with off white along the back
The sides of the head and shoulders are light gray to whitish
Lives in low grassy areas like pastures, golf courses, cemeteries, and parks
Identifying A Ground Squirrels Mound
ground squirrel mound
Note any buildup of sand or soil outside the entrance of the burrow. The ground squirrel will deposit fresh dirt from inside the burrow to build little mounds to increase their visibility. These trademark mounds often grow large enough to trip livestock and humans, and the rocks they contain can ruin machinery.
The annoying mounds have made the squirrels targets of agricultural pest control efforts.
They are highly variable in size and location
Able to rise up on their hind legs and stand fully erect comfortably for prolonged periods
They are more gregarious than other squirrels
Live in colonies with complex social structures
Active during the day – mainly from midmorning through late afternoon(especially on warm, sunny days)
Two periods of dormancy during the year
During winter months most ground squirrels hibernate, but some young can be active at this time, particularly in areas where winters aren’t severe
During the hottest times of the year most adults go into a period of inactivity, called estivation, that can last a few days to a week or more
They breed once a year, averaging 7 to 8 per litter
We carry several products to help you remove ground squirrels from your lawn, garden, field, pasture, golf course, cemetery, park or anywhere they are pestering you.
Homeowner Ground Squirrel Baits
Wilco Ground Squirrel Bait
Professional Ground Squirrel Baits
Wilco Zinc Ag Bait
Wilco Ground Squirrel Ag Bait
Ground Squirrel Traps
Wilco Ground Squirrels Trap
Ground Squirrel Bait Stations
Wilco Squirrel Bait Station