Create User Welcome to,Thanks for chatting with us. As a token of our appreciation we are going to give you a discount on your first order just for registering on our site…After signing up you will automatically get a discount on your first order. Make the most of it!How To Create A User: Insert First, Last Name Insert Email & Confirm Insert Username Create Password - wilco1! Is an example Once the account is created the user will receive a few emails and one includes a link to reset their password submit The user will receive an email requesting that they confirm their account You can also activate their account from within the admin dashboard in the User Drop Down MenuThis method is not currently working The user must confirm their account to access the site Once the account is activated, the user will receive two emails instructing them about their account and they will be able to reset their password By using the /register link to create the user account, you are giving the user a discount on their first order Name First Last Email Enter Email Confirm Email Username Password Enter Password Confirm Password HiddenEvent Name HiddenUntitled PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.